Sunday, July 22, 2012

Post With Poetry

In this post, I decided to share some poetry that I have written. I wrote this for a creative writing class I took earlier this year and added it as part of my portfolio. It is a type of poem called a "villanelle". Let me tell you-it was not an easy type to write. If you look up to see how they're written, you'll see what I mean. However, I love how this one turned out, and I think it's one of the better poems that I have written. And yes, there is a meaning to it. It should be interesting to see if anyone can pinpoint what it's talking about!


The needed stay in, the useless come out.
The needed are afraid, pushed back by pin
Never to come forth, and never to shout.

In their hearts is a constant doubt
Not wanting to shift another, they sin
The needed stay in, the useless come out.

They always go the same route,
Knowing of nothing else, they keep themselves in
Never to come forth, and never to shout.

Every day within is a constant bout
With themselves they fight again and again
The needed stay in, the useless come out.

So often, they face a constant rout
They can never seem to win.
Never to come forth, and never to shout.

Filled to the brim with fear, they walk about
Who see those who know not of the One who is risen
The needed stay in, the useless come out.
Never to come forth, and never to shout.

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